17 inch floor pads brown/black x 5
Pack of 5
Sherpack Limited was founded in 1979 by Yvonne and Ken Sheridan and since then has provided an efficient, well-priced service to customers from coast to coast.
Now under the leadership of their son, Derek, the Longford-based company supplies a very wide range of commodities to professionals, doctors, dentists, solicitors, banks, hotels, restaurants, schools, childcare, nurseries, factories, supermarkets and shops, bakeries, takeaways, and much more.
An established supplier and employer, we are more than pleased to provide you with your usual requirements and we trust you will find our service to be fast, efficient and very price-conscious.
Please contact us with any enquiries you have and we will be pleased to talk to you about your needs.
Pack of 5
2000 napkins per pack
8 x 175ml bottles per box
2000 napkins per box